Script 1:

Binary Variable + Road Trip String > Game on Date

This script quickly transforms the 60,525 binary decision variables into a readable schedule with games on dates. Pictured below is just a few of those decision variables and a look up table, indicating the road trip a particular team will go on.

Input #1: Road Trip Strings

Team Index Away Team 2 3 4
1 Portland 3 4 5
2 Sacramento 3 4 5
3 Oakland 2 4 5
4 LAC 2 3 5
5 LAL 2 3 4
6 Phoenix 2 3 4
7 Utah 2 3 4
8 Denver 2 3 4
9 OKC 2 3 4
10 Dallas 2 3 4
11 San Antonio 2 3 4
12 Houston 2 3 4
13 New Orleans 2 3 4
14 Memphis 2 3 4
15 Minneapolis 2 3 4

Input #2: Road Trip Binary

Team Index Away Team 2 3 4
1 Portland 0 0 0
2 Sacramento 0 0 1
3 Oakland 0 0 0
4 LAC 0 0 0
5 LAL 0 0 0
6 Phoenix 0 0 0
7 Utah 0 0 0
8 Denver 0 0 0
9 OKC 0 0 0
10 Dallas 0 0 0
11 San Antonio 0 0 0
12 Houston 0 0 0
13 New Orleans 0 0 0
14 Memphis 0 0 0
15 Minneapolis 0 0 0

Script #1: Output (Script #2)

Only the output in Red comes from the images above because the binary road trip variables for the other games are outside of the picture. Full schedule output and this script are in the Appendix.

Team Index Away Team 12/19/2018
1 Portland Portland@Denver
2 Sacramento Sacramento@LAL
3 Oakland
6 Phoenix
7 Utah Utah@LAC
8 Denver
10 Dallas
11 San Antonio
12 Houston Houston@San Antonio
13 New Orleans New Orleans@Oakland
14 Memphis Memphis@Dallas
15 Minneapolis Minneapolis@OKC

Script #2 Output

This script senses the beginning and end of road trips as well as calculates the total road trip distance. (I chose to use a one game road trip to demonstrate for the website so the tables would be small enough for mobile users to view.) The number of flights = the number of games + 1 to account for the flight home. Therefore, this one game trip has two flights, one there and one back. See appendix for longer road trips.

day away_team road_trip_list road_trip_distance flight_distance
65 Sacramento ['Sacramento@LAL'] 723.7 [361.85, 361.85]

Script #3 Input

Input is only for the actual season. Because games are every other day in the computer generated schedule, no back to backs are guaranteed.

day/team 10/16/2018 10/17/2018 10/18/2018
New York
Philedelphia Philedelphia@Boston
Brooklyn Brooklyn@Detroit
Cleveland Cleveland@Toronto
Milwakee Milwakee@Charlotte
Chicago Chicago@Philedelphia
Atlanta Atlanta@New York
Miami Miami@Orlando Miami@Washington

Script #3 Output

Totals from this output were confirmed by figures displayed on the NBA official site regarding the 2018-2019 season.

day back_to_back_team
2 Miami
4 Minneapolis
4 Boston
4 Toronto
4 New York
4 Brooklyn